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A Bit About Us

God's Favor project is set up with the purpose of identifying and providing a home for children in need. This includes: trafficked, outcasts, orphans, and at-risk children, to name a few, who will be taken in and given valuable education to help them settle into society.
Our founder, Mrs. Winifred Gaye, started her outreach in early 2010. It has always been a dream of hers to give back to her country by helping those that come from similar beginnings as she did. It began with the annual year-end distribution of rice (along with stew ingredients) to the elderly and less fortunate in her community of Dry Rice Market, Bardnersville.
The outreach then went on to school supplies donations and other essentials for children in the central Johnsonville area. After 3-4 years of this outreach, the proposed site of the project was purchased and from then on, the legitimation and undertaking of the project have been in the workings.
Please join us on our journey as we move in the strive to help in our own way to reduce poverty and help give to those in need.
Learn more about our mission, our vision, and how we go about making the changes we want to see.

Ways We Help


Homeless Outreach

Helping The Community

With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need. We at God's Favor Orphanage undertakes outreach to identify children in need of a home. According to the Liberia Demographic Health Survey (LDHS) 2019-2020, 26% of children in Liberia under the age of 18 do not live with their biological parents or are orphans. With children under the age of 2, 5% were not living with  their parents and the percentage of children who are orphans in Liberia rises with age (4% for 2-4 years of age and 17% for 15-17 years of age. We intend to give these children a home and valuable life skills to be adaptable in society.


Mrs. Winifred Nelson-Gaye

(Founder and CEO)

“Coming from humble beginnings and hard life experiences, the next chapter in my life could only be to impact those who find themselves in similar positions as I did. A heart to serve and a lot of lives to impact”

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